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John Muir’s Letters: Better Hiker Episode 1

John Muir’s Letters: Better Hiker Episode 1

John Muir has had a lot named after him, everything from mountain passes to streets and libraries. He’s also found all over social media.

The man simply loved nature. He loved the hell out of it. His political and conservational efforts earned him the nickname “Father of the National Parks” and still today we can see the effects of his passion. Borders have been shaped by this man. Trails have been scraped in his name. Millions of acres of preserved natural forest owe at least a small part of their conservation to the one and only John Muir.

But as we explore some of his personal letters in this episode, we’ll see that he wasn’t perfect. Muir suffered from loneliness during his years in Yosemite. He poured his heart out to his friend, Mrs. Jeanne Carr, in these letters, pleading for her time and time again to come and visit. The mountains were his true love, yet he ached for someone to share them with, someone who was intelligent and passionate enough to fully appreciate the Sierra Nevada. The average Yosemite visitor, to Muir, was little more than “valley scum”.

After the episode check out our Top 5 Most Inspirational Letters by John Muir.

Music: Solitude by Broke For Free

Sound Effects courtesy of ZapSplat

About The Author

Arthur McMahon

Arthur is the founder and Lead Editor of BetterHiker. He believes we can all better ourselves and the trails we walk, one step at a time.

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