Pacific Crest Trail Thru-Hike #2: First Trail Day

Thru-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail was a life-changing experience for Arthur and Jill. This is our story.
Follow the PCT thru-hike adventure from the beginning and hike with us to mile 2,650.
PCT Journal Entry
Written by Arthur
It was an exciting morning. Several hours of driving took us from the California coast to the border town of Campo. Along the final stretch of road we drove past several hikers who had already taken their first steps. We were jittery with excitement.
Jill’s father, Mike, dropped us off at the southern terminus of the Pacific Crest Trail. There were three of us. Jill’s mother, Chris, had decided to join us on the first stretch of trail. We stepped forward, and not even two minutes in were we confused on which trail to take!
But we found our way. It looked like many beginning thru-hikers had not been able to decide which way the trail actually started, and so a dozen paths were formed, all linking together 100 feet later.
Half a mile into the hike I found a geo-cache hidden behind a tree. We drank liters of water in preparation for the hot day, and I had picked just the right tree hide behind to take care of business. Inside the cache was a list of names and dates of others who had found it. I added my own and then moved on.
It was an easy day until the midday sun took over. The heat ramped up just as we started to climb the first crest on the trail. I separated from the group, moving ahead alone while Jill and Chris stuck together. They had found a rattlesnake in the brush while I was away taking pictures of strange desert plants.
The sun dropped to the horizon. I slowed my pace and waited for the others to catch up, but I had apparently overestimated my speed. They were nowhere in sight. Darkness was setting in. I decided to make camp, though I had no tent. Jill was carrying it.
So I cowboy camped my first night out down at Hauser Creek. I was nervous sleeping out in the open wilderness all by myself. A barn owl screeched in the night. Something small kept crawling around in the brush behind me. Big vehicles rolled around slowly somewhere in the darkness, most likely border patrol officers. It was eerie, but other than the noises I was left undisturbed through the night.
Want to start from the beginning of the hike? Click here.
See more pictures from Arthur and Jill’s Pacific Crest Trail thru-hike by downloading our Adventure and The Pacific Crest Trail eBook. A print version is available as well. All sales help support Better Hiker.